5 Ways To Feed Your Soul During Lockdown

Bro, can you believe it’s DAY-3 of lockdown?!

In today’s instalment of ‘How to Thrive in a 21-Day Lockdown, and Emerge and Better Man’ we’re talking about ways to nourish your soul.

Why is this so important?

Feeding the body is how we survive, but feeding our soul allows us to thrive. Our soul is our  identity that makes you who we really are. It is also the engine room of our emotions and affections, our creative inspiration and the energy that propels us through this life. Think about music: The symphony, classic rock—where did these things come from? They came from the soul of the composers who wrote them.

Think about art: The ability to depict beauty came through the hands of the artist, but where did it come from? It came from the soul of the artist. But what about sport? I mean, surely sports is all about the body.

No! Every great sports achievement has come from the commitment, the disciplined desire, and the determination of the athlete – and these originate in the soul of a

Simply stated, “the body without the [soul] is dead” (James 2:26, The Bible). With all of that said, here are FIVE ways to you feed your soul, energize your spirt-man, and stay connected to the source of your personal power.

#1 Make it Personal

Do whatever feels like it is good for your own soul … as they say, “you do you, bro!”

Some men walk on fire to feel alive, and others switch off all gadgets and stare the walls.

This is one journey that has no right and wrong paths, or restrictions. Wait!  There is actually one very important rule!! Don’t cause harm (or irritation, frustration, or injury) to anyone around you. If blasting drum & base on full volume feels good for your soul, but it’s causing your elderly neighbour to go into cardiac arrest, we would suggest other options. The most important things to do here here are silence the stress, calm the chaos, manage your mind, and purge the pressure. Do this, and expect to come out of on the other side, more inspired and on top of your game.

#2 Keep a Gratitude Diary

Look, we totally get it! Even with your favourite people, it’s super frustrating being locked up … (kinda feels like you’re doing time in jail, doesn’t it??)

It’s so easy in times like, this to notice all the bad, busted and broken stuff in the world (thanks social media!). But there is nothing that nourishes your soul more than gratitude – i.e. appreciating all the good things that you’ve already got going on. Each day, jot down all the things you’re grateful for:

Do you have friends and/or family that love and support you? Do you have electricity or running water … [dude!  Keep in mind that you’re reading this on the internet!!] Do you have a roof over your head, food, a bed to sleep in, clean clothes? Do you have a job that is paying you – even if you are locked down in your home for three weeks? [And if you have lost your job, do you have the skills, the resources and the relationships to search for a new one??] What you choose to focus on will grow in your life. Keeping a gratitude diary will shift your focus to the good stuff, and cause those things to grow and expand in your life.

#3 Meditation

This is a great way to quieten the crazy voice in your head (…admit it bro, it’s like parliament in there!) And, if you keep on checking COVID-19 updates on social media, you’re just inviting more chaos into your mind and soul! Instead, find a quiet space where  can shut out all the noise, and spend at least 10 minutes quietly connecting with your inner man. But what if you live in a noisy space that doesn’t allow that kind of peace and quiet?? There are a wide range of guided meditations and sounds of nature/ the ocean tracks on YouTube, if you need some external help to find inner peace.

#4 Listen to worship podcasts

The current situation doesn’t allow you to dress up and go to church – if that’s something you’re used to doing. God bless the internet!

Now, in the comfort of your own home, you can go to whichever church you want to – and you get to pick the music and the message! Like we said before, “you do you, bro!”  You don’t have to follow the path that your mates or your family are on … (crazy controversial, we know!)

#5 Serve one another 

The true meaning of love is serving others.

There’s nothing that brings genuine joy (and in case you didn’t already know it, joy is super food for the soul) than seeing others happy, especially during times like this.

Serving others has a way of making one to feel a sense of appreciation, content and connected. Bro, it doesn’t even have to be something super deep – you can simply refill the sanitizer bottle when it runs out (again!).

Who knows?  Maybe this time of national lockdown is just what you needed to find yourself for the first time… Maybe this is the long-overdue opportunity to connect with your inner man, and find new depths of power and wisdom. Maybe you will finally connect with source power, and come flying at the other side of this as a better man.

Okay guys, that’s it for today’s instalment of ‘How to Thrive in a 21-Day Lockdown, and Emerge a Better Man’. If you found this helpful – or even if you didn’t – we would love to hear from you! Got any other hints and tips on how to feed your soul?  Please drop a comment below. Remember, sharing is caring, bro!

Tomorrow we’ll be talking about ways to stay productive.

This will be most useful for the gents that are working from home.

Let’s connect on social media FacebookTwitter and Instagram

Until then, be safe and be manly!