Category Archives: Hair

Do You Prefer a Chiskop or Uppercut?

I nearly dropped dead when I stumbled across this research done by the Dermatology researchers from the University of Cape Town (UCT). It warns South Africans, particularly men, about the clean-shaved haircut known ekasi as “chiskop” could cost your health. Scary, right? One should consider buying their own hair clippers or try a different haircut maybe. Uppercut hairstyle could be a safe bet – it’s […]

The Smooth Truth: Shaving Questions Answered [Sponsored by NIVEA MEN]

Smooth and sleek or au natural? That is the question. Lots of men prefer a shaved body – and that isn’t all down to how it looks. But what are the other reasons for taking a razor to the chest, armpits and other areas? We reveal the answers to essential questions on body shaving. THE […]