Men, Who Should Lead Us?

Mayday, mayday!

Don’t panic bro, it’s a new month. In 2019 we are all about redefining our roles as men in the society. There’s great power in stepping back and observing the world that you live in. Nowadays being ‘a man’ is more complex than before. The only guys that are progressing are the one that keep on challenging the toxic ideas of masculinity. Make sure you read our previous articles to be part of the conversation: “How To Be A Better Man?”, “The Fall of Masculinity” and “Top 4 Issues Men Face Today”.

I bet we all can’t wait for a different society where it’s totally ‘cool’ to embrace your feminine side. A better world where a father would look at his son and say “I’m sorry, I was wrong”. Or a civilised community where a brother would vulnerably say to his partner “I’m insecure, I love you. How can we fix this?”. Instead of using women as punching bags. Imagine how dope that would be! To be a ‘human being’ before everything else.

These days, young men need good mentors. Our communities need more ‘better men’ to help them navigate through life. Many young men are confused, depressed and consider suicide or violence to solve instead of crying for help.

Men, who will lead us? Tell us, what role you are playing to improve your community? Comment below and stand a chance to win a Manbox (valued at R250) and be featured on our #ChooseBetter articles on Tuesday. The winner will be announced on Monday the 6th May 2019. Only Manbox members are eligible to participate and win. Click here to become a Manbox member.

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Click here to see if you’re the winner of the Nivea Men R5000 cash prize competition. The winner’s name is under ‘product description’.

Thank to y’all for participating!

Keep an eye on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for the awesome surprises we have for you this month…
