What Men Should ‘Gossip’ About

Do you know what guys do when chicks aren’t around? They gossip! Like Chris Rock would shout “yes I said it” guys are probably worse than females. It might not be giggling and high fives in between the chit-chat like chicks do. Maybe it might not be extreme to the point of making time to gossip.

The reason guys would deny to ever gossip is because they’re dishing “facts” to each other not lies. Women are convinced that boys only discuss the “usual stuff” like fast cars, sport and booze.  That’s just small talk when a guys isn’t amongst his crew.

The reason there are books like “Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man” by Steve Harvey (including his TV show) is because guys “secrets” are more juicer to women. If a woman would like to know if her guy will ever move out of his momma’s house and marry her. Asking her friends to analyse the “situation-ship” isn’t really helpful. The answer to those questions are locked in her boyfriends BFF’s chest. The boyfriends BFF might only have the “ego version” (as guys tend to add chakalaka sauce) of the situation-ship.

The BFF might not have all the “secrets” she would like to know but he as the “ego version” of her boyfriends situation-ship analysis.

I’m not condemning guys to stop gossiping BUT they can start to have more constructive convos. In 5 years time life might not be as fair as it is now. Besides you don’t want to be left behind because you were obsessing about your the chick that broke your bro’s heart.

Below we came up with positive topics for you gents that you can start including in your secret convos because after all, Manbox is all about #BuildingBetterMen

Stokvel: If you already waste money buying each other booze or unnecessary gifts, starting a stokvel should’t be hard. At the end of the day the whole crew is winning. No more financial excuses when you have to plan a shot left to Durban this coming festive.

Business Plan: Instead of complaining about the lack of opportunities maybe now is the right time to create one. Also it doesn’t hurt to have a side hustle where you all bring your skills together to have a passive income.

Grooming: That one dude in your crew with a stinking breath and scruffy beard is messing up everyone’s game. Why allow your Tarzan friend to drag you down to the jungle?

What else do you think should be a topic of conversation when you and your gents link up? Let us know in the comments below.

Manbox HQ

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28 thoughts on “What Men Should ‘Gossip’ About

  1. TD S. says:

    Helping each other find jobs. Guys need to really try and connect each other when a job opportunity comes in the place that one works in. These are some of the things that really keep the the guys connected at a times #ManBox

  2. Larno M. says:

    Men should gossip about the stresses of life and how to better themselves. Give advice about finance and savings. Business ideas and traveling goals. #manbox #grooming

  3. Kyle N. says:

    Agree! There should be more talks around topics of selfcare for men and them prioritizing it and not being ashamed to talk about it. Men also need to take quality care of their skin and hair. When we open topics like this around random discussions with our friends we create an environment where men are more comfortable to talk about these things.

  4. Thendo R. says:

    Debt, man should gossip more about deep we mostly are in debt & are scared to ask for help. Young family men aren’t telling each the truth with regards to debt, costs of owning those flashy cars, a house & those designer clothes. The cost of doing things because friends are already doing the same. We have to gossip more about reality we’re facing in the communities, irregardless it affects you or not. Let’s also gossip more about grooming these children in this Era.

  5. Tshephang M. says:

    Being there for each other emotional and physically
    Being able to great opportunity to share ideas of making a living for yourself or parents ,kids, wife,girlfriends and sibling