5 Things You Should Never Postpone

Our brains are hardwired to avoid suffering, discomfort and to look for pleasure. We tend to put things off because we feel like we have time to catch up later. That’s not always the case as time waits for no man. The thing you are definitely not willing to do in the future is to regret the past. Especially if these regrets are regarding missed opportunities and wasted time.

Maybe you can’t tell whether you are a suspect of the case of the constant postponing quite yet. Let me tell you bro, procrastination is a learned behaviour, and it can be changed. There’s nothing wrong in taking a break to recharge but there are things you should never postpone. 

  • Your happiness

Putting your happiness first is also good for your mental health. When you are considerate of yourself and your feelings, you can take better care of yourself and begin to truly love yourself and others. It’s not being selfish or unkind, in fact, it makes you better able to show your loved ones that you care, without feeling taken advantage of or resentful. Remember that if you don’t make yourself happy, no one else will. Be kind to yourself, always.

  • Taking action 

Here’s a newsflash: There’s never going to be the perfect moment or opportunity. You have to create it and the best way to do that is to act. Now. The longer you put something off the less likely you will actually do it. The most successful people in the world are not the one with “cool” ideas but the ones who put an effort to bring them to life. 

  • Investing in your future

Don’t wait until something bad happens. Don’t wait until you lose your job. Start now while the situation is still good. Why? Because it takes time to build something. Let’s say you want to build an alternative income stream that you can rely on. You can’t build that overnight. Doing that takes time and persistence. If you don’t start early, it might not have been ready by the time you need it.

  • Take calculated risks 

A calculated risk is a carefully considered decision that exposes a person to a degree of personal and financial risk that is counterbalanced by a reasonable possibility of benefit. Bro, don’t take any risks just to impress the streets. Taking a risk to achieve a goal requires courage to face the fear of uncertainty. No matter the outcome, either way, we grow through the process and become more resilient and confident. Better yet, building those skills helps in taking more risks and improves the chances of achieving future goals.

  • Have a game plan 

We all have objectives we want to hit. Unfortunately, most of us never draw up a roadmap for how we are going to reach our targets. When we look at why this is, it usually comes from being overly ambitious. We think we can just change everything at once, so we don’t need a step-by-step game plan. This is often why we don’t succeed. Changing your complete way of life is tough, and doing it all at once is a sure road to failure. Without a game plan is like praying with not action! 

Bro, what’s stopping you from achieving your goals? 




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16 thoughts on “5 Things You Should Never Postpone

  1. Macdonald M. says:

    I’m a victim of procrastination and this has left me in instances where a lot of pressure has to be applied to reach the set goal. I have noticed this behaviour a while ago and since then i have been working on it. it’s a process and i’m taking it in as much as i can. I have managed to achieve several goals, but i believe i can do better too, just need to get rid of the procrastination completely. I have started this approach where, everyday before i get outta bed, i write down my to-do list for the day on my notes and tick each task upon completion, this has helped me a lot with deadline driven tasks, i suggest whoever reads this try it too, it’s very helpful. Also bros, don’t sleep on yourselves, selfcare is really and only you can achieve for yourself. Putting yourself first is important and helps you to be in a good space to help others. Working on yourself is a lifetime task, and the rewards are as great.

  2. Macdonald M. says:

    I’m a victim of procrastination and this has left me in instances where a lot of pressure has to be applied to reach the set goal. I have noticed this behaviour a while ago and since then i have been working on it. it’s a process and i’m taking it in as much as i can. I have managed to achieve several goals, but i believe i can do better too, just need to get rid of the procrastination completely. I have started this approach where, everyday before i get outta bed, i write down my to-do list for the day on my notes and tick each task upon completion, this has helped me a lot with deadline driven tasks, i suggest whoever reads this try it too, it’s very helpful.

  3. Wandile T. says:

    Absolutely! Through this hardship times we’re faced with it’s extremely important that we don’t lose focus on all the things we had planned on achieving prior the pandemic! And through the storm we should definitely choose happiness about all! Find something that puts a smile on our faces to help us carry on! #manbox

  4. Sipho T. says:

    This really hit home when I think about how much time I put trying to please someone and putting my happiness aside. I decided to move from that space and now I put my happiness first and it’s the best thing I did for myself. Now because of the joy, I am able to plan, and do things I could not do because it is true. Procrastination is indeed a thief of time

  5. Carla C. says:

    This article is sooo true and I’m always postponing my happenings and life but to help other people and do good.Thats me doing greater things
