How To Be A Better Man

I haven’t met a man that has ‘punched the ticket’ yet — a complete human being with no flaws. That’s the true gift of being alive I guess. The ability to keep on improving yourself. It was never supposed be about the next gig or the big cheque. Men find themselves in a terrible space of constantly ‘proving’ who is better than the other. Wars of world dominance might have ended but the toxic masculinity ideas are still entrenched in most men’s psyche.

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I bet you have read articles about ‘how to dress like a real man’, ‘how to smell like a million dollars’  and many more cliche content on the internet. This article isn’t about your appearance. Allow me to throw another cliché, looks can be deceiving. If your value is measured by the number of side chicks,  cars or zeros in your bank account —take a sit mate.

Of course, grooming should be on top of your list. Nobody will take a TARZAN seriously in this concrete jungle. The priority list is too long — make sure you exfoliate, wear a sun screen, oral care is vital and choose a face wash over a normal bar soap. When it comes to swag, don’t you dare fall for name brands (nothing against them), wear whatever makes you comfortable.

Take care of your ‘inner-self” as well. After all, no amount of body spray that will make you happy. Let us keep keep on reminding you what it really means to be a ‘BETTER MAN’. Click here to become a Manbox member and improve your grooming game.

  Click here to stand a chance to be selected for test and review. The coolest deodorant hasn’t hit the shops yet — be the first to try it on!

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